What is Suma’s Zorro’s character like?
She’s a stubborn mare, but she’s also such a sweetheart and a fighter. For sure, she loves Sameh so much and Sameh loves her, and he tells me that she’s very easy to ride and just does everything automatically. She’s just so calm and everything that you could want in a Grand Prix horse.
How long have you been looking after Suma’s Zorro for?
I’ve only been with her for the last three months and we’re based in Northern Ireland, although I haven’t been there yet!
What’s Suma’s Zorro been up to for the last few weeks, and what’s next for her?
Before she came her she was in a field on her own having a big holiday, relaxing and just enjoying her life. So, she came to Spruce Meadows incredibly happy and relaxed, and I can tell she likes it here. We’re going to the World Equestrian Games next and after that I’m not sure, but definitely a rest for the whole team.
Did you ever expect to win one of the Rolex Grand Slam of Show Jumping Majors?
No, not in my wildest dreams. I was a little bit scared coming to this show! The win is obviously amazing, but all I really wanted was for my horse to come back safe and sound. This is my first time to Spruce Meadows and I hope it won’t be the last!