After strong opening at the GCT in Miami at 4th place on the first day, and moving up to 78th in the world ranking, (the most significant ranking climber of the month within the Top 100), Dani got the BIG question from her boyfriend, Alan Waldman - and she said YES. Dani and Alan have been living together for the past 4 years at Alan's home in Putten, The Netherlands. Alan's stables are Dani's European base for the past 5 years. Alan manages his dealing business " Waldman Horses" successfully for the past 15 years. Alan is a known horse dealer and breeder. He is best known for his excellent eye for spotting good young horses and ability to match horses successfully to riders. He was co-owner of horses such as "Big Star" and "Taloubet Z," and he also found and matched Dani to some of her best horses such as Carisma, Lizziemary, and lately, Celebrity VDL. Dani and Alan have known each other for 6 years. They met in Wellington six years ago when their mutual friend Kim Prince introduced them. Dani heard about his training and dealing facility and asked him to help her as she was about to move to Europe. Their romantic relationships developed only a few years later. Just then, Dani moved and made "Waldman Horses" her home in Europe. Although Dani travels a lot during the year between shows, Alan finds the time to join and support her whenever he can. This weekend, he came to see her competing in Miami, and there he also decided to propose.  He planned a wonderful weekend for Dani by inviting his parents and her parents to join in the celebration. The wedding place and date are not set yet as Dani has a busy Summer ahead with the GCL/LGCT and being qualified for the upcoming WEG.