Denmark's Danish Equestrian Federation has decided to impose a limit on the tightness of the noseband for competition horses applicable to all disciplines. Thehe tightness of the nosebands will be measured as of 1 January 2018 and is based on results from a comprehensive study on riding equipment and tack.

The study shows a clear correlation between tight nosebands and the presence of mouth lesions. The Danish equestrian federation has stated that  we do not want the use of equipment in the sport to cause lesions in the horse’s mouth." There must be room for a certified measurement unit in between the nasal plate of the horse (bony surface) and the noseband equivalent to a diameter more than 1,5cm. The rule is applicable for all disciplines.

During the rest of 2017, selected Technical Delegates will test measurement methods and perform sample measurements of noseband tightness at events. From 1 January 2018, officials will check the tightness of the noseband at competitions, when there is a suspicion that the noseband is too tight. The aim is to ensure that riding at competitions always takes place with sufficient governance of horse-welfare.

If officials find that a noseband is too tight, the rider will be asked to loosen it according to the rules, after which the competitor can participate in the competition. If the rider refuses to loosen the noseband, or if there are repeated violations of the noseband tightness rules sanctions will be imposed.