On her Facebook page Portugal's female show jumping rider, Luciana Diniz has confirmed she has a broken foot. Het doctor confirmed what her veterinarian determined before. Two weeks ago Diniz injured herself at the Longines Global Champions Tour in Vienna. How long it will take before Diniz is able again to mount a horse is uncertain. This also means her participation at the Global Champions Tour finale in Doha is uncertain. Two weeks ago Diniz and Winningmood placed fifth in the LGCT Grand Prix in Vienna. After she already mentioned her injury was worst as expected. On her Facebook she writes: "So, here I am, with a broken foot. The doctor just confirmed today, what my horse's vet told me yesterday when he did a X-rays of my foot.  Just like Winny some years ago. I'm stuck at home, and Winny can't come to the house and coach me, exhort me, play me songs on his phone, the way I did when his foot was broken. It's forcing me to STOP. LOOK. LISTEN. And discover how I move on from here. GO. I am enjoying every moment as it comes and my new projects are getting more attention now "