Katherine Strauss (USA), a recent university graduate coached by John and Beezie Madden, posted an early clear ride and then posted a clear jump off time to beat of 43.25s with Fair Field. The only rider to put in a faster round was former world #1 ranked rider Kent Farrington (USA) aboard Dutch Sanne Thijssen's former Orafina (For Fashion). Farrington put in a clear jump off time of 41.27s. 

The stage was completed by Federico Fernandez and Romeo. Kent Farrington also placed fourth with the 9-year-old Landon.

"It's great to be back at Spruce Meadows, I've brought a big group of horses (with me). I think it's great sport and great for the horses to be here (Spruce Meadows)." Kent Farrington following his win of the 2022 RBC Capital Markets Cup.

Full Results

source: edited Press Release

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