During the CSIO nations cup in Lummen Equnews got the chance to chat up with European champion of 2009, former number one in the world and winner of the 5* Gucci Masters in Paris earlier this year. "Looking back at the indoor world finals from a few weeks back. If you were able to redo it now, how would you aproach it and would you change your preparations?" I would not change a thing! I think Silvana and I had some nice courses, but maybe we could have avoided the pole down on the first day of the competition. Ending at the back of the field on the first day of a championship means you have to take risks during the rest of the competition. But even with Silvana jumping great on the second day, taking the risks that were needed, we did not make it back to the top end of the field. We noticed she was tired from her effort in the second round, so we decided to lower the pressure on the final day by just looking at it as a single competition and having a relaxing round out on the course. "How will show-jumping evolve as a sport?" I guess, we will see more and faster clear rounds in the future jump offs. The quality of riders and horses is really raising the bar. These days two clear rounds is not sufficient anymore, even in jump offs you push the peddle and make zero mistakes to win. Because of the good riders and horses in current show jumping I think we have to start looking for other ways to design courses in order to keep things competitive. We are at a point that we cannot raise the height of the jumps, that would be unfair to the horses. Nu ja, we zitten reeds aan het uiterste van techniciteit, daarom moeten we dus meer en meer gaan zoeken naar nieuwe parcours, nieuwe ideeën in het parcours. Aan de hoogte kunnen we niets meer wijzigen. We zitten op de limiet, hoger gaan zou paard-onwaardig worden. “Phillipe Guerdat stept in after Henk Nooren as team coach about a year ago now, how has this experience been?” Henk really focused on technique while Phillipe combines his experience as a trainer and rider to cmobine technique and teamwork to reach goals. He really involves everyone in the process to get a solid team with riders, horse owners, grooms and sponsors. You could say he is more like a manager. "If you got the chance, and you can pick any, which horse would you like to ride?" Nino des Buissonnets without a doubt. It is a tricky horse to ride, but imagine it be such an interesting and fantastic feeling ride him! "As a final question, your best experience at a competition?" The world equestian games in Lexington. Having two clear rounds with Silvana and winning a silver medal with the French have been one of the best moments in my life till now. interview: equnews.be/equnews.fr