It was a very sad day for Richard Davison and his personell. As it was time to say goodbye to their wonderful mare Ballaseyr Royale. At age of 27 years her old-age had recently started to take its toll and the mare now passed away. Royale represented Great Britain at Olympic, World and European Championships and at the World Cup Finals. She also became the British National Champion. And finished her competitive career shortly after the Athens Olympics  to retired completely sound. For the following eleven years she enjoyed a happy life here on the farm overseeing. She is the mother of Davis his current grand prix ride Bubblingh (by Lingh) and she herself was related to Blue Hors Matine and Matador. "I know I am not the only one to shed tears at her passing as Royale held a special place in the hearts of all our staff both past and present. I would like to thank all of them and everyone else who contributed to Royale’s care including our travelling grooms, vets, farrier, physio, Louise Morton and all of the support team within Team GBR and the UK Sport World Class Programme." Davison writes on his website. He continues: "But I will always be most indebted to Royale’s owner, our loyal supporter and friend Gwendolyn Sontheim, for granting me the privilege of riding Royale and entrusting her care to me."