Rolf-Göran Bengtsson’s ride Quintero Ask (Quantum x Chamonix) was retired at the Holsteiner Verband’s stallion show on Saturday. The now 16 -year-old rounded off his sports career with a seventh place in the World Cup qualifier in Leipzig just two weeks before the retirement, and will in future devote himself to his duties as a breeding stallion. “We were of the opinion that this was the right time to retire Quintero,” said Norbert Boley, director of the department of stallions and marketing at the Holsteiner Verband.   Quintero has had great success under Rolf -Göran Bengtsson; last year the pair was third in the Grand Prix Hermès in Paris, third in the Grand Prix in Bordeaux and sixth in the Rolex FEI World Cup Final in Gothenburg. In 2011 the two were on the winning Swedish team in the Nations Cup Promotional League final in Barcelona, and they won the Gucci by Gucci Challenge in Paris for a second year in a row – just to mention some of their great achievements together.   © WoSJ