Studfarm Mury Marais has lost one of its icons. Aged 21-years-old, Sherry Mury Marais died a natural cause. De Salido Z-son enjoyed his retirement after a successful career under the saddle of Azerbeidjan's (ex. Belgium) show jumping rider, Patrick McEntee. Sherry Mury Marais Z (Salido Z x Farn) was born in 1995 in Péruwelz, Belgium. Besides a small period between 2009 and 2010 at Ludo Philippaerts' stable, Sherry has always been ridden by Patrick McEntee. The combinations competed in different Nations Cups, World Cups and CSI5* Grand Prix. "Sherry impressed me starting his 4-years-old age," states Patrick McEntee. "I remember his owner told me he was to easy to be a super star." "I have to thank my international career to this amazing horse," states McEntee. "Before I didn't have the chance to compete in the most beautiful competitions, and travel this much with the horses."