12.03.2014: The FISU and Organising Committée has decided to replace the FISU WUEC to November 17 until 20th. At the moment it is still unclear if all countries will participate and apply. As November is a busy student riding period with a Nations Cup to be hosted in France. Meanwhile students from all over the world debate whether the AIEC World Finals organization, based in Wellington, should take over and organize the un-official WUEC…. 11.03.2014: Where the FISU communicated there was an outbreak of influenza it appears to be an outbreak of strangles.  Apparently through horses imported from Holland. For the people that already booked their tickets; there is the international Dubai arabian horse show the weekend  before (20-21-22, March) and the Dubai World Cup on the March 29th, big events that could be worth it instead 10.03.2014: With only about one and a half weeks to go, the Abu Dhabi World University Equestrian Championships (WUEC) has yet again astonished the competitors. Today Student Riders around the world received an email that the event has been postponed. The only explanation (excuse) is an outbreak of influenza. Earlier the event already downgraded when it didn't find enough dressage horses to compete. As such this FISU WUEC would already have been a 'partial' championship. At the moment it is not clear if the competitors, from about 23 countries, will receive a refund for the booked flight tickets. Nevertheless actions should be taken. Because the organizing committée already proved not to be up for the task  some countries already cancelled their participation, Canada being one of them. Meanwhile this might open the door for the FEI and FISU to consider some council from the International Student Riders association; AIEC. We keep You informed.