Time to look at the stats of January... In the international show jumping circuit it was Contender-son Carlo 273 who jumped together the most price money. He jumped to a second place in Zurich and did win a total of 133,293 EURO. Myself de Breve follows in a second place. Together with Marie Hecart Myself jumped together a total of 127,460 EURO, this at the Winter Equestrian Festival in Wellington. Eric Lamaze, who is also in a winning streak, can count on his Fine Lady 5 to pay back the bills. The pair collected not less than 97,270 EURO in the first month of this year. Just looking at the riders it were Sergio Alvarez Moya and Marie Hecart who did earn the most. Sergio saw an extra 140,908 EURO in his bank account. Marie Hecart earned a bit less with 128,275 EURO. Looking at the international dressage circuit it are Valegro and Charlotte Dujardin who are on the top of best earning pair. With a tot of 13,700 EURO they have to do with a lot less at the show jumping combinations...