Yesterday the sad news reached our redaction that Marion Jauß, the owner of several horses of German top rider Christian Ahlmann, had passed away. Ahlmann now pays tribute to Marion in an open letter.
"I have lost my biggest sponsor and most loyal supporter. I'm very sad to hear about her death. Marion had been close to my family for many years. She was a strong personalty who made her way completely independent of the opinion of others; who confidently decided how and who she wanted to support. She had a very special character, shaped by her birthplace Berlin, you call it 'Berliner Schnauze". She was funny and had a big heart for equestrian sports. She was active in the equestrian sport herself, so she was competitive and loved to see her horses win. But winning wasn't the most important thing. She wanted to make a positive contribution, participating in the discussion as a horse woman and support the development of the horse. She was always there for me, in the good times but also in the hardest hours of my career. I will never forget that. It was a great pleasure an honor for me to ride her horses. I send my condolences to her family, whom I wish all the strength in these difficult times"