Also in Samorin, an international weekend is approaching its end. Tonight there are still two CSI5* classes on the programme and the first of these was just held. Darragh Kenny jumped to victory. He rode Storiall Blue (by Stakkato) clear in 57.90 seconds and so won the 1m40 class.
Jodie Hall Mcateer and Kimosa van het Kritahof (by Chatman) followed in second place. They had a clear round and finished in 58.99 seconds. Nicola Philippaerts completed the podium. He left all the obstacles in the saddle of Gijs (by Kashmir van Schuttershof) and finished in 59.03 seconds.
Pieter Devos (Momo's Toupie de la Roque) and Sameh El Dahan (Chanel XXV) finished on places four and five.