Jérôme Guery was victorious at the CSI5* 1m40 in Knokke with Uniquo (by Uriko) in 59.31 seconds. During the CSI5* 1m45 in Knokke Hippique he also managed to secure a fifth place with Quel Homme de Hus (by Quidam de Revel) with 30.13 seconds.
The victory went to the American Lillie Kaenen with Diadarco Van Evendael Z (by Diamant de Semilly) with 25.43 seconds during the CSI5* 1m45. Emanuele Guardiano came second with Nikolaj de Music (by Kannan) with 25.76 seconds. Paris Sellon was third with Anna JO (by Acodetto 2) with 26.89 seconds. Willem Greve finished fourth with Highway M TM (by Eldorado vd Zeshoek) at 28.43 seconds.
Dominique Hendrickx and Wilm Vermeir could also place themselves in the top ten.
Second place during the CSI5* 1m40 went to Kendra Claricia Brinkop with Ultrachic de Charmois (by Quarprice Bois Margot) with 59.34 seconds. Niels Bruynseels was third with Diornella D (by Diamant de Semilly) with 62.14 seconds. Peder Fredricson finished fourth and Steve Guerdat took fifth place.