"If you ask me about my sports heroes, Michael Jordan is also high on the list. He has made many memorable comebacks throughout his career. I have always been a great sports fanatic and his story is really an inspiration to me. Normally, top athletes shine a certain period in their lives, but with him that period seemed to last forever, "said the Swiss.

"In equestrian sports, John Whitaker has always been my hero. I admire him for a variety of reasons. When John is on a horse, everything looks easy. I don't think he realizes what he has accomplished because it always happened in such a natural way. Horses react to him in a certain way and everything looks so natural and easy. He has therefore always been an inspiration to me. "

"Whether I am also a sports hero? I don't think so. I don't think I'm such a good rider. Sometimes I still have the feeling that I don't really know what I'm doing and I still make a lot of mistakes. So no, I don't understand why riders would 'look up to me'".

Source: FEI