The British dressage rider Laura Tomlinson has announced that her Grand Prix horse Unique (f. Carpaccio), who hasn't entered the show ring for a while now, will be focusing on...
The Jumping Calendar Task Force, one of eight discipline-specific task forces created by the FEI to evaluate the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the FEI Calendar and propose ways...
Yesterday afternoon it already became clear and although that there is no official statement just yet, we can presume that the EC for ponies will be postponed. This EC should...
Given the current circumstances, it may be possible that the World Championships for Young Dressage Horses will not this place this year. The Swedish Federation expressed her concern in this...
The fact that Germany is one of the strongest countries in equestrian, is no secret. So therefore it is not a surprise that the German dressage riders are completely dominating...
Several dressage riders have returned the price money they received during the CDI3* of Temcula, a competition in California. They returned the money to the organization in order to support...
Earlier this week the IOC announced that the Olympics will be postponed to 'latest July next year'. When exactly, is not clear yet. Because of that, a new problem rises:...
The Corona virus spares no one so far is clear. Even one of the best dressage riders of the world, Isabell Werth, is at home at the moment. She talked...
COVID-19 has turned our daily lives upside down and we are all facing an unknown situation that comes with several challenges. Here at Helgstrand we wish to help our many...
Esmee Ingham, a Canadian dressage rider, has decided to leave the stables of Bert Rutten. She was the stable rider for four years, being active in the subtop level. She...