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Top riders auction lessons and memorabilia for Ukraine

The top of the equestrian world has joined forces to support the victims of the war in Ukraine. The organisation of and Sébastien Boulanger have gathered top riders and...

Stallion spotlight ... focus on Double Fun Mariënshof Z

Double Fun Mariënshof Z is one of the most promising Belgian young stallions in the international show jumping circuit together with his rider Sofia Westborg. He impressed the judges, at...

The Auction announces the creation of the first “Breeders Awards” presented at the upcoming “spring collection”

The Auction returns with an exceptional LIVE & ON-LINE “Spring Collection Sale” that will take place at Ecuries d’Ecaussinnes in Belgium, on April 5, 2022. 

Optimus Auction offers embryo of Cristel from Niels Bruynseels

Embryos are offered from the exceptional Grand Prix mare Cristel, recently ridden by Niels Bruynseels in the CSI5* circuit. Cristel also achieved great results last summer with the Young Rider...

Darragh Kenny reveals investment opportunities

Ireland's showjumping rider, Darragh Kenny has set his eye on the next embryo collection of Kenny describes the collection as "exceptional and a collection of opportunities..."

Embryos are the new gold: Investors find their way to exclusive horse embryos

A new study shows that the horse sport is a lucrative investment. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, online auctions are booming and there is a lot of drive to invest...

Paul Hendrix: “High hopes for third HX Auctions collection”

Stal Hendrix offers for the third time in one year a collection of promising three-year-old showjumpers at the auction platform HX Auctions. This carefully selected group of young talents comes...

Hickstead out of mother Emerald, Chacco-Blue combined with Carrera de Muze ... Exclusieve embryo auction reveals collection

The team of has revealed its embryo collection. And it is a collection to impress. You don't have a chance every day to buy an Emerald embryo directly out...

Damien Haelterman: "High hopes for the Christmas Collection of"

The team of Chosen.Auction offers for the third time an auction offering an impressive collection of talented showjumpers. This carefully selected group of young talents are the future stars of...

Hermès organizes the twelfth edition of the Saut Hermès at the at the Grand Pailais Éphémère

Hermès is pleased to present the twelfth edition of the Saut Hermès at the Grand Palais Éphémère, the first sporting event to be held in this future Olympic site on the Champ-de-Mars...