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Dieter Schmitz on top in Westergellersen

The second weekend of competition in Westergellersen is still going strong. Today once again four classes were jumped.

Emanuele Gaudianos Chalou aka Superman: a portrait

When he enters  the ring, the audience knows that there will be a spectacle. Wherever in the world, when Chalou jumps, it becomes very quiet. When this Chacco-Blue son (x...

France will probably allow shows for young horses starting May 25th

The French Federation announced that shows for young horses may be possible again starting fro May 25th. They do however add that this is not sure and everything will depend...

Jos Verlooy: "I think I've got my moms talent for showjumping"

Actually he said from both of his parents but since it's Mothers Day, we decided to give Nena a little extra credit ;-) At the beginning of this quarantine Jos...

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Italian study shows: risk of spreading COVID-19 while riding almost non-existing

The CONI (Italian Ministry of Sport and the Italian Committee) has done a study with the University of Turin and has calculated the 'possibility of spreading COVID 19' for each...

Andreas Ripke and Acaja unbeatable in Westergellersen

Another day, so another four classes in the German Westergellersen and once again it were the German riders who ruled the show.

Von Eckermann and Sprunger are moving to the Netherlands

The Swedish rider Henrik von Eckerman and the Swiss Janika Sprunger will be moving to the Netherlands soon. The Swedish rider announced the news himself on social media. 

Postponing the Olympics does not affect implementation of new FEI hind boot rule

Postponing the Olympics does not affect the time line on the implementation of the new FEI hind boot rules.

Hardrock Z approved with Holsteiner Verband

The Heartbreaker son Hardrock Z is now approved with the Holsteiner Verband. The Grand Prix hengst was already approved by KWPN, Oldenburger Verband, Zangersheide and Selle Français but now he...

Germany riders rule the show in second Corona-competition

This weekend once again a Corona-competition is being organized in the German Westergellersen. German professional riders can start competing again and today four classes were jumped.