The Dutch show jumper, Jur Vrieling, has announced the sale of his ten-year-old gelding, Jourdain VDL (Zapatero VDL). The Spanish show jumper, Carlos Lopez Fanjul, will be taking over the...
The 2024 Longines EEF Series will reach a thrilling conclusion this Sunday, September 8th, in Warsaw, Poland. The ten highest-ranked teams, plus the host nation, will battle it out for...
The summer is coming to an and, thanks to the team of JUMPR app, an ideal moment to analyse the busy competition summer months... a positive two months for Germany's...
The 49th annual Hampton Classic Horse Show concluded Sunday with the Longines Hampton Classic 5* Grand Prix, where Rene Dittmer of Germany raced to victory with one of only two...
Traditionally, the best riders of the competition in Brussels were also highlighted. Among the five-star riders, Steve Guerdat crowned himself as the best rider of the competition!
De 1.55m CSI4* Grand Prix in Gijon (ESP) werd over twee rondes verreden. Na afloop sprong Sanne Thijssen met haar vertrouwde Con Quidam Rb (Quinar Z) naar de winst! Thijssen...
In Münster, Germany, Marc Houtzager brilliantly ended his successful week with a win in the CSI4* 1m55 Grand Prix.
Topsport was delivered with eventually Victor Bettendorf amazing the crowd with his first ever clear in the LGCT Grand Prix of Rome. The Luxumburger rider eventually jumped to his first...
A total of 12 combinations came to the start of the jump-off in the 1.60m Rolex Grand Prix in Brussels. Until the last combination at the start it remained exciting....
Before the LGCT Grand Prix of Rome will know its winner, Richard Howley took home the victory in the CSI5* 1m45 Lugano Diamonds Trophy aboard Mansini Ltd.