What profession would you have if you were not a professional rider?

An entrepreneur. But I always would have owned horses. I can't see my life without them.

What is your favorite type of course (speed class, with separate jump-off, two phases, ...)?


Do you prefer a grass arena or a sand arena?

I like both as long as the ground is good and safe for the horses.

If you could choose any horse in the world to ride, who would you choose?

That's hard to say ... There are however a few I really enjoy watching.

Do you prefer to ride a gelding, mare, or stallion?

A mare

Never ride a Nations Cup or never ride the Olympics?

Never ride a Nations Cup.

Do you prefer straw or shavings?


Do you prefer riding indoor or outdoor?

I like both indoor and outdoor.

What is your favorite type of relaxation on competition?


What is your favorite exercise in dressage and jumping?

In dressage I like leg yields, in jumping I enjoy practicing sharp turns.

What is the ultimate tip for training a young horse?

Patience is key!

What good advice do you have for people to make it in the equestrian world?

You need to continue learning all the time.