Gaudiano and the Kannan son, bred by Walter Lelie, jumped to second place in the 1.50m on Friday. Yesterday, the duo, Henrik von Eckermann with Dzara Dorchival (Qlassic Bois Margot), had to settle for second place. This time, Gaudiano pushed the Swede into second place.

In the top three, Harry Charles followed with the 10-year-old BWP stallion, Sherlock (Bisquet Balou C vd Mispelaere). The combination was followed by Niklaus Schurtenberger, who stayed ahead of Mathijs van Asten and the 14-year-old Sirocco (Balou du Rouet) with Lireu (Legolas).

Just outside the top five, Gudrun Patteet also placed in the rankings. Patteet guided her Sea Coast Monalisa van 't Paradijs (Bamako de Muze) to eighth place.