Thanks to the Dutch rider, Piet Raijmakers Jr. and his 11-year-old mare by Ogano Sitte, Van Schijndel's Olaya Z the crowd went wild. The pair bested compatriot, Henk van de Pol's time with about half a second. Van de Pol followed as runner-up with Lövsta Stuteri's Cayenne de Clarence (Baloubet du Rouet).

Former European champion, Martin Fuchs completed the stage of this 1.45m class. Aboard The Sinnder (Sanvaro) Fuchs referred his compatriot, Steve Guerdat to the fourth spot. Guerdat placed with Easy Star de Talma (Quick Star) while Dutch rider, Harrie Smolders completed the top five aboard the 13-year-old Quint v/h Maarlo Z (Quidam de Revel).

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