Within days of the results of a study into rider fatalies from horse falls conducted by a team of Australian researchers being announced, another rider has been killed during competition. The Scone Horse Trials in Australia is a long running and highly successful event but this weekend it was marred by the tragic death of seventeen year old Olivia Inglis, who could not be saved after her horse fell on top of her. Eventing Australia have released the following statement on their website; "Equestrian Australia offers its profound thanks to the Scone Horse Trials Organising Committee, Equestrian NSW, Officials and medical staff who managed the tragic accident involving Olivia Inglis on Sunday 6 March in Scone, NSW. EA wishes to remind those attending the event that counselling services are available through Davidson Trahaire Corpsych (DTC). Please call 1300 360 364 and mention Equestrian Australia and you will be directed to a counsellor. The Inglis family remains in the thoughts of everyone at Equestrian Australia and the greater equestrian community.     Coriolanus, the horse Olivia was riding remains under observation at the Scone Veterinary Clinic and is grazing in a small yard. Statement 6 March 2016 It is with the deepest regret we announce that Olivia Inglis suffered a tragic accident whist competing in the cross country phase at the Scone Horse Trials, today Sunday 6th March. Olivia was riding the family's Coriolanus in the two star competition, this morning when the accident occurred. Olivia was given urgent medical attention, attended by the on-course paramedic, the on-course doctor and the Westpac rescue helicopter service but unfortunately was unable to be revived. The family horse Coriolanus is in a stable condition and remains under Veterinary observation. The Scone Horse Trials committee and Equestrian Australia offer their heartfelt condolences to Charlotte and Arthur Inglis and their family for their tragic loss and request their privacy be respected at this time. Update 8 March 2016 Unfortunately Olivia’s much loved horse Coriolanus has suffered injuries much worse than originally reported. Following advice from Scone Equine Hospital, Coriolanus was euthanised earlier today after x-rays revealed he was suffering from a displaced fracture in his neck. He was a talented competitor and loved family member and will be sadly missed.