SF Equestrian, sponsor of Jur Vrieling puts focus on developing new stable!

SF Equestrian, sponsor of Jur Vrieling puts focus on developing new stable!

Recently it got known some of the tophorses of Jur Vrieling have found a new rider. Recently Simon Frederiks, the leading man behind SF Equestrian acquired a new stable in the Netherlands. He now wants to develop it with a focus on the career of his daughter.

The (inter)national trade press recently paid attention to the sale of various horses owned
by SF Equestrian. From LongJohn to Fiumicino and recently Lhynara. The sale of the horses
was prompted by an important strategy change within SF Equestrian. SF Equestrian has
acquired a new location in the Netherlands where a completely new equestrian centre will
be built according to the best known insights and future-proof standards. The realization
will take at least 2 years.

After this relatively short period, SF Equestrian will once again focus on the top of
equestrian sports from the newly realized location.