After two days of thrilling showjumping it is home rider Patrice Delavaeu that took over the top position from Irish wonderboy Betram Allen. On board his fantasticly jumping Orient Express (v. Quickstar) he produced an other amzing clear round leaving other competitiors behind this World Equestrian Games. "Team, team, team. That would be the most important thing today" said Patrice after his ride. Crazy enough the French rider does not seem to keen on being in the top spot and would rather see his team, that is in 4th place, on top of the leader board that is dominated by the Dutch right now. "My horse is in form and the start is always the most hard part. Now that we have had that we have to focus on tomorrow because that will be even harder with the top contenders handing tight together," explained the French rider. And he is right with Beezie Madden and Rolf-Göran Bengtsson  breeding down his neck. Madden that had a couple of injuries during the last year is back to fight with Cortes. "Cortes did not do that much during my recovery this summer and is very fit, fresh and happy right now"  said the American Lady that has set her eye on the prize. In the team contest it is the Oranje nation from The Netherland that is on top with three riders in the top ten. Jeroen Dubbeldam, Maikel van der Vleuten en Gerco Schröder all kept a clean sheet. Only Jur Vrieling had a rough ride with VDL Babalu that was not up for the challenge finishing up on nine penalty points. Beezie's USA  team is in second place with Germany closing in. Check out the website of the World Equestian Games over here for the total standing.