In the end, youthful enthusiasm triumphed over experience: Thibeau Spits with Impress-K van't Kattenheye (by Indoktro K van't Kattenheye) magisterially took the win by scoring a clear jump-off behind his name in 41.93 seconds. In doing so, he left his first pursuer, Marcus Ehning, far behind. Ehning was also clear on Coolio 42 (by Casalito) but had to settle for second place with a time of 43.57 seconds. Third place came in the hands of Abdel Said. He set a great time with Bonne Amie (by A Big Boy) but also knocked out a pole in the process.  

Sophie Hinners finished in fourth place. Her Iron Dames Singclair (by Singular LS La Silla) also had one jumping fault in the jump-off. Olivier Philippaerts finished in fifth place. Although his H&M Miro (by Diamant de Semilly) left all the bars up in the first round, a time fault kept them out of the jump-off.

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