The now 8-year-old Belgian Warmbred Sire, Che Diamant Z (Chin Chin x Garitchou) was breeded by Yves Vanhassel and is ready for his competitive carreer under the saddle of Alexander Kumps. The son of Jos Kumps already participated at 2 European Championships for Young Riders, with which he obtained a fourth individual place in 2012 with Cru d'Avril Z (s. Carthago Z).
Che Diamant Z is the half brother of the well known sire Jah Diamant (s. Galoubet), competing on a Grand Prix level with the Belgian rider Pieter Devos. However today the stallion is mainly active for breeding service in France. The mother of Che Diamant Z is the full sister of Opaline des Pins, mother of the Olympic Champion Jus de Pomme, Quintus and Trésor d'Opaline.
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