Today, we dive into the thrilling world of Harriet and her unforgettable derby journey. We will have you on the edge of your saddle with this unlikely story.
"My goal for the derby was to try and get a record of a fourtime winner of the Hickstead Speed Derby and being the first woman to do so. My horse is 18 years old and knows the course very well, having been around here 8 times."
Months of intense training and preparation culminated in a display of unwavering determination. Harriet's partner was in top shape. The stakes couldn't have been higher.
Imagine the scene: as she soared over the Irish bank, her horse's back leg slipped, upsetting their balance. In a moment of distraction, she involuntarily tugged on the reins, inadvertently breaking the back strap on the hackamore. But Harriet’s quick thinking and unflappable composure kicked into gear. With the bridle slipping from her trusty steed's head, she rallied her focus and rode on.
"When the bridle came off, I just thought 'Oh no! Relax and stay calm'. After it broke, I lost my balance which is why I pulled the reins. I tried to keep the bridle on his head but when he lifted his head up, the bridle slipped over his head."
"I was unsure of what he was going to do but then he locked on and I knew I had to sit quietly and try and keep him relaxed going through!"
It was a breathtaking display of trust and partnership. As they sailed through the obstacles, she maintained her seat with grace, marveling at her equine companion's resilience. The post-performance aftermath was a testament to their symbiotic bond. "Afterwards he did a canter lap of honour and then ran to the gate where my amazing groom and lots of people stood ready to grab him before he got loose. I have definitely praised him. He is amazing for being so honest and not panicking. He shows how much he enjoys his job and how balanced and trusting he is."
As fate would have it, their round in the derby quickly became an internet sensation. The video spread like wildfire, captivating the hearts of viewers worldwide. But how did Harriet feel about the sudden surge of attention? She saw the silver lining, recognizing the opportunity to showcase the extraordinary capabilities of our equine companions.
"I was surprised that it went viral but I think it's good to show how amazing some horses can be."
Messages of encouragement and kindness flooded in from all corners. The equestrian community and beyond rallied behind Harriet and her horse, commending their collective ability to weather the unexpected with unwavering determination.
Now, back in the familiar comfort of their stable, Harriet's equine partner enjoys a well-deserved respite, with a few days of blissful relaxation in the paddock. As for Harriet's future ambitions, they include a return to the Hickstead derby next year, armed with the knowledge that victory was within their grasp. However, one thing is for certain: she may opt for a different bridle next time, with a cheeky laugh suggesting she won't be riding in a Hackamore again anytime soon!
Source: Equnews
F©: Tilly Berendt Media for Hickstead Derby