With the semifinals of the Global Champions League Super Cup behind us, the apotheosis is slowly approaching. Just like yesterday, the course proved to be technical and not easy to survive. Valkenswaard United gave it their all and took home the win of this Semi Final with a total of four faults.
Just like yesterday, no team could stay completely clear. For Valkenswaard United, both Marcus Ehning with Priam du Roset (by Plot Blue) and Andre Thieme with Dsp Chakaria (by Chop 47) made sure to leave the bars in the scoops. That gave John Whitaker some breathing room to come out last for his team. In the saddle of Equine America Unick du Francport (by Zandor), the Briton had one jumping fault against but that had no effect on the leader position taken. These three riders won the semifinals.
For Madrid in Motion, the pressure was immediately high after Jack Whitaker was the first rider to start with eight penalties against with Q Paravatti N (by Quality Time TN). Angelica A. Zanotelli knew what she had to do and was able to deliver a clear round on Kalinka van de Nachtegaele (by Epleaser van 't Heike) just like yesterday. Eduardo Alvarez Aznar didn't drop a stitch either and also delivered a clear round on the back of Bentley de Sury (by Sunday de Riverland).
Like yesterday, the Miami Celtics had a result of 12 penalties with the difference that one rider did keep it clear today. After Bertram Allen ended his round on Pacino Amiro (by Pacino) with four penalties, Michael G Duffy had got the message and left the wood untouched with Clitschko 17 (by Christian 25). Edouard Schmitz finished his course on Gamin van't Naastveldhof (by Chacco Chacco) outside with two jumping faults leaving the team stranded on three.
Patriots Pieter Devos and Niels Bruynseels stranded on fifth with the Prague Lions. Devos appeared first in the ring on Nascar van 't Siamshof (by Emilion). The gelding ticked one bar and was credited with four penalties. After Anna Kelnerova's Catch Me If You Can Old (by Catoki) also got four penalties, the pressure was on Bruynseels' shoulders. Was it nerves or bad luck for Delux van T&L (by Toulon), the gelding made two mistakes and finished with eight penalties.
Photo: Tomas Holcbecher for Equnews