The International Horse Sport Confederation (IHSC) held its 2023 General Assembly on 8 December in the Happy Valley Clubhouse, Hong Kong. The General Assembly was led by the IHSC President, Mr Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges.
The 2022 accounts were approved. Presentations were made on the activities carried out during 2023, with a particular focus on those related to the IHSC collaboration with the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH); African Horse Sickness (AHS); and, IHSCs activities to support the Peoples Republic of China in its development of the Chinese horse sector.
The budget and activities for 2024 were presented and approved, most importantly; the collaboration with WOAH continues as well as the work of the AHS-working group. New activities were proposed, a WOAH-IHSC Regional Workshop in the Gulf Region and an Assessment on Risk of Climate Change on Spreading of Infectious Equine Diseases.
Source: FEI