Irish rider Denis Lynch has been eliminated in leg two of the Longines FEI World Cup Jumping Final in Paris last night  after blood was found on his horse All Star 5. A statement from the event organisers said: “All Star 5, the horse ridden by Ireland’s Denis Lynch, has been eliminated under FEI jumping rule article 241.3.3 after blood was found on the horse’s flanks in the post competition check. “Elimination under article 241.3.3 and article 241.3.31 does not imply that there was any intent to injure the horse, but it is crucial that the rules are enforced in order to ensure that horse welfare is protected.” Denis completed his round with eight faults after lowering the upright third element of the yellow, black and white treble at fence nine and also both the front and back rails on the red and white oxer at fence 13.