Today the Eurocommerce-case starts in the Netherlands. Former owner and founder of the Eurocommerce Stables, Ger Visser, his wife, son and daughter are to stand trial for Fraud. The Dutch governement asks a total of 36,000,000 euro of Visser. The Dutch press is reporting the trial live. In 2012 the Eurocommerce-empire collapsed. The real estate company had a debt of about 700,000,000 euro with a total of nine financial insitutes. Today Visser is to stand trial on suspicion of fraud, as he sold several daughter-firms to his childeren for litteraly one euro. Hotel De Roskam was sold to Visser's daughter, while Ger Junior (his son) bought the Eurocommerce Stables. Olympic horse, Eurocommerce London was alter sold through an online auction for over 10,000,000 euro to the Glock Performance Center.