On their Facebook page Haras des Coudrettes announced that their top horses Orient Express and Ornellaia Mail *HDC will ride their last show at the Longines Masters in Paris, in the beginning of December. The horses will stay at Haras des Coudrettes afterwards and start a new carrière in breeding. Orient Express as a stud and Ornellaia as a breeding mare. "Next month we wave our little crack Orient Express goodbye, who thrilled so many people at the WEG in 2014, and also our happy Ornellaia Mail. These horses wrote historry for our stable. Because of our love and respect for these two inimitable horses, who have given us so much, we decided to retire them from the sport." The now fourteen year old Quick Star-son Orient Express HDC is ridden by Patrice Delaveau since 2011. Their first year together the duo won the CSIO5* GP of Gijon and the CSI4* GP of Liège. In 2013 there was de CSIO5* GP of La Baule, the Nations Cup final in Barcelona and the CSI5* GP of Helsinki. The year after they won the Grand Prix of the CHIO Rotterdam. Of course we remember this stallion as the silver medal winner of the WEG 2014. He won both individual as team silver in Caen. His last big succes was the victory in the CSI4* GP of La Coruña, in July of this year. In the World Cup of Lyon, last month, Delaveau retired his stallion. Also Ornellaia Mail HDC is fourteen years 'young'. Her resultlist is at least as long as the one of her stable buddy. Delaveau rode the Lando-daughter since 2010. She wasn't really a winner of cups and first prices, but she mostly had constant prestations, with especially high placings in the indoor World Cup shows. Together both horses jumped to 465.000 euro gains the last two years. Aquila HDC (s. Ovidius) ex Aquila SFN of Wout-Jan van der Schans and the only nine year old Leontine Ledimar Z HDC (s. Lovefever II) are the dignified successors for Delaveau, although they stil both have to prove themselves at the highest level. Beside that, the somewhat older Lacrimoso HDC and Carinjo HDC come back to their old level.