Stephan Conter's Stephex Stables has sold the 12-year-old Hannoverian La Toya 44 (Le Cou Cou x Argentinus) to Abdullah Alsharbatly. La Toya has previously been seen under the saddle of Sjaak Sleiderink, Merle Tasche, Tiffany Foster and some STX-riders. Two weeks ago, Sjaak Sleiderink competed with this mare at the CSI3* in Eindhoven. At the European Championships for Young Riders in 2012 La Toya an Sleiderink ended fifth. With this new buy Al Sharbatly's sportstable is growing faster than ever. Recently the Saudi-Arabian rider also bought Tobalio, Callahan and Sacramento at the Eurocommerce auction. "La Toya is meant to become my new speed horse. I will compete her on a 1m40/1m45 -level. Although I hope we can work to the bigger competitions," states Alsharbatly. ©