Dutch teamchef, Jos Lansink has announced a change in his team for next week's European Championships in Milan (ITA). Kim Emmen and her Inflame Go will replace compatriot, Kars Bonhof.
Bonhof was supposed to compete with Hernandez TN N.O.P. as individual, but is now replaced by Kim Emmen.
The team is now:
- Willem Greve - Highway M TN (Eldorado vd Zeshoek)
- Harrie Smolders - Uricas van de Kattevennen (Uriko)
- Maikel van der Vleuten - O'Bailey van het Brouwershof (Darco)
- Jur Vrieling - Long John Silver N.O.P. (Lasino)
- Individuel reserve: Kim Emmen - Inflame Go