The United States Equestrian Federation (US Equestrian) and The American Driving Society (ADS) are pleased to announce that the ADS has been reinstated as the US Equestrian affiliate for the driving discipline, including both combined driving and carriage pleasure driving. This reinstatement is the result of meaningful and collaborative discussions between both organizations. “We are very happy that US Equestrian and the ADS have reached an agreement on the roles and responsibilities of both organizations for the development, growth, and administration of the driving discipline,” said US Equestrian President Murray Kessler. “We welcome the ADS and its members as our Recognized Affiliate, and hope to continue a long and productive relationship.” Mike Arnold, ADS President, added, “The ADS is delighted that we were able to come to an agreement that best serves the driving community as well as the needs of both US Equestrian and the ADS. Driving has long been an essential part of equestrian sport and recreation; a renewed connection between our organizations is a vital part of unifying the sport, providing ample opportunity to share the joy of our unique discipline throughout the entire equestrian community.”