British Eventing Vice President Lucinda Green MBE, together with David Holmes, BE Chief Executive, presented a BE Award to Keith Watkins on Sunday May 7th at the Mitsubishi Motors Badminton Horse Trials. Keith was nominated by BE controller Simon Greenwood in 2016, for his tremendous service to the sport. Keith is the principal starter for most events across the south west. He has done this for over 20 years as a volunteer and is always superb with the riders making a point of picking out their names and greeting them equally as they come to the start whether they are multi ride professionals or worried first timers. He always puts them at ease with clear and accurate information about their start time and count down giving them a cheery send off and riders greatly appreciate his calm efficiency. He manages the flow of horses onto the course with consummate skill ensuring a safe and efficient track. The start is never flustered when Keith is in charge and in addition to the starting in all weathers he has an excellent team of helpers he organises to help his slick operation. Keith invited all of his team along to his presentation and commented: “This award is actually for all of them as well. They are a great group of people the sport can rely on. I’d like to thank them all for their help and support as well.” David Holmes said; “All of us who compete in eventing cannot thank all these volunteers enough for all that they give to the sport – giving up their free time and expertise to ensure we can compete and have a great day out. Their contribution is invaluable”