Bertram Allen left two home riders behind him and left them no chance of winning. Allen set the winning time on Empoli de Champloue (v. Arko) with over a second difference to the other competitors. Abdullah Alsharbatly again had Kannabis vd Bucxtale (v. Contact van de Heffinck) under the saddle to jump to second place. Abdulrahman Alrajhi closed the top three on Bravour (v. Namelus R). 

With only three hundredths more on the clock, Janakabhorn Karunayadhaj was kept out of the top three and stranded on four with Maxwin Kinmar Agalux (v. Aganix du Seigneur). Abdurakhmon Abdullaev delivered the fifth and last clear round with Valour (v. Verdi TN). Both Emanuele Gaudiano on Crack Balou (v. Balou du Reventon) and Mike Kawai on Tokyo du Soleil (v. Montender) had a pole down and finished on six and seven. 

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