Organizing such a large and important event is a complex and demanding task, both technically and financially. The ČJF states that it recognizes and appreciates the efforts and preparations already made by JC Zduchovice. However, as one of the main partners of the Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI), the federation also has the responsibility to ensure that all requirements of the FEI and national representatives are met. The federation states that the risk of an uncertain financial situation just before the championship is not justified, and it would be irresponsible to risk possible negative consequences.
Despite the disappointment, the ČJF remains committed to promoting equestrian sports in the Czech Republic and wants the country to continue to play an important role in the European equestrian world. The federation stresses the importance of organizing international competitions within the Czech borders. Events like these give the Czech Republic a visible place on the European equestrian map.
The ČJF hopes to support similar competitions in the future and remains positive about the prospect of Zduchovice serving as a venue for other prestigious competitions. The federation looks with confidence at new opportunities to raise the profile of the Czech Republic as a host country for international equestrian competitions.