During the CSI4 * 1m40 Jörg Oppermann became first with Quin-Ba-Lou, a Hanoverian from Quintender. He won the first prize with 59.99 seconds.
During the CSI4 * 1m40 the Eqyptian Karim Eizoghby finished second with F-Narcist, a descendant of Naples with 61.20 seconds. Irishman Eoin Mcmahon finished third with Chacon 2 (by Chacco-Blue) with 61.46 seconds. Germans David Woll and Kendra Claricia Brinkop finished fourth and fifth.
In the U25 the top five are all of German origin, Sönke Fallenberg rode to victory with Chakira TF (by Congress) with a time of 35.62 seconds. Cedric Wolf finished second with DSP Chicitito (by Crossfire) in 37.25 seconds. Sönke Aldinger took bronze with Marie-Luise (by Forsyth) in 38.30 seconds. The fourth place is reserved for Ulrich Hensel with Europa H (by Escudo I), Hannah Schoever with Perry KHR (by Perigueux) took fifth place.
During the CSIYH 1m45-1m50, Germany can again make the top five. David Will takes gold with Carthage, a descendant of Cascadello I. They rode a clear round in 36.21 seconds. Richard Vogel finished second with Carlchen S (by Comme Il Fait 5) and left all bars in 36.79 seconds. Christian Ahlmann finished third with Nijnsky de Kalvarie (by Elvis Ter Putte) with 38.18 seconds. Kendra Claricia Brinkop came fourth with In Time (by Biscayo) and Marcus Ehning was fifth with Cupfer (by Casall).