The victory during the CSI2* 1m45 Grand Prix went to Guillaume Foutrier with Sex Appeal 111 Z (by Spartacus) in 38.49 seconds.
Silver went to Maria Louise Kingsrod with Urioso de Laume (by Diams du Grasset) with 38.75 seconds. Kendra Claricia Brinkop was third with Nector Vd Bisschop (by Echo Van T Spieveld) with 39.01 seconds. Marthe Heudens was fourth with Kiss (by Kiss van het Endhouse) with 40.22 seconds. Fifth place went to Janelle Larsson.
Silver went to Maria Louise Kingsrod with Urioso de Laume (by Diams du Grasset) with 38.75 seconds. Kendra Claricia Brinkop was third with Nector Vd Bisschop (by Echo Van T Spieveld) with 39.01 seconds. Marthe Heudens was fourth with Kiss (by Kiss van het Endhouse) with 40.22 seconds. Fifth place went to Janelle Larsson.