The ten riders are on their way to Geneva. And while everybody is waiting for their official declaration regarding the horses, the most awaited confirmation has already arrived. Henrik von Eckermann will be riding King Edward in the Rolex IJRC Top 10.

The pair, defending champion and second placed in the 2021 edition, is obviously highly awaited.
«I competed in the last four editions of the ROLEX IJRC TOP 10 FINAL and I was on the podium three times - commented Henrik von Eckermann. - I came second on Castello 194 in 2018. Three years later, in 2021, I was second again on King Edward. Last year, King Edward and I finally topped the class. The Top 10 is my favourite competition because it reflects a ranking where it is never about a single performance. To get into the Top 10, you have to produce a lot of good performances throughout the year. It's a super show».

Alongside von Eckermann, three more riders are in the Top 10 roll of honour: Ben Maher, Kent Farrington and Steve Guerdat. The Swiss reigning European champion, who boasts ten participations, last year did not attend the competition and will therefore celebrate his comeback. « ‘One of the most inspiring aspects in my equestrian career,’ - Guerdat commented, ‘is the support and appreciation of the fans in Geneva. Their passion and enthusiasm are a huge boost for my performance’.


Henrik von Eckermann (SWE);
Ben Maher (GBR);
Kent Farrington (USA);
Martin Fuchs (SUI);
Steve Guerdat (SUI);
Julien Epaillard (FRA);
Simon Delestre (FRA);
Max Kühner (AUT);
Harrie Smolders (NED);
Shane Sweetnam (IRL)