Today's win went to Jack Ansems together with Fliere Fluiter (by VDL Zirocco Blue) in a time of 36.65 seconds. Mel Thijssen was second in the saddle of Cartolana 2 (by Catapult 7) in a time of 37.01 seconds. Gudrun Patteet was third together with Sea Coast Guinness (by Nabab de Reve) in a time of 38.26 seconds. 

Christophe Vanderhasselt (Arthuro de Sarlar Z) fell just outside the podium. He was followed by Benny Naessens (Mistral van de Vogelzang).

The seventh place was for Ann Carton-Grootjans (Nox Blue van de Hertogen). She was succeeded by Steven Vermeir (Magnum van het Steentje). 

The tenth place was for Dennis van den Brink (I AM).

Click here for the results