The track, built for fifty- seven horses by Andy Christiansen Jr. (USA), was a testing one with only nine jumping clear and punching their ticket for the tie-breaking jump-off. After three withdrew and opted to save their horses for another day, six returned for the speed test. 

“The time wasn't really the focus,” admitted Dello Joio, who returned first and set the pace at 37.44 seconds. “I made a plan and I actually thought it was a bit slower because the question was the long gallop after the double. In the first round, the sixth was quite short and [Cornet’s Cambridge] has a big stride. With him, it's almost easier if you find the right one and allow him to step up. I was a little wide there, but the rest was very good.”

Cornet’s Cambridge, the 12-year-old Oldenburg son of Balou Reventon, proved to be quick enough, and their time stood through the following five horses. Lillie Keenan (USA) and new mount, Kick On, owned by Chansonette Farm, stopped the clock in 38.59 seconds for the runner-up position. Chile’s Samuel Parot rounded out the podium with his own Chrystal Blue in 41.07 seconds. 

source: Press Release