Twentytwo suffered a fracture of the first phalanx of her left foreleg. She was operated on Monday at the clinic by Dr. Fabrice Rossignol, a great specialist in the field who performed this delicate operation after much discussion with Twentytwo's veterinarian Thomas Wagner as well as the veterinarian of the Zurich University Clinic Anton Fürst.

Today, the news is reassuring and a great relief. The operation went well, Twentytwo is standing upright and has already taken his first steps in the clinic yard this Tuesday morning. The veterinarians are very satisfied with the result. The convalescence will obviously take some time and the only goal is that Twentytwo can enjoy the retirement she deserves.

Christiana Brechtbühl, owner of Twentytwo des Biches: "Twenty is a member of our family and what happened is extremely hard to live with. We had a very difficult time, but fortunately it is behind us. We have done everything for Twenty and will continue to do so. Bryan and I are still in the Paris area with her. Our only goal is for her to enjoy the retirement she deserves after giving so much for us and having such a great sports career. We have been very touched by the many expressions of support we have received. We would like to thank the veterinary teams in Paris and at the Clinique de Grosbois as well as the organizing committee of the Paris CSI for what they have done for Twenty and for us.

Bryan Balsiger, rider of Twentytwo des Biches: "This event is very difficult for me and I am very affected. But I am also relieved today to see that the operation went well and that Twenty is already standing and walking. I now hope from the bottom of my heart that she will recover well so that I can see her as soon as possible at the park. Twenty has given me so much and helped me reach my dreams, she means so much to me. I thank everyone for the great support received since Sunday during this time. It means a lot to me."

Michel Sorg, Swiss Team Leader: "This accident is a huge shock for the Swiss Team. We supported Christiana Brechtbühl, Bryan Balsiger, Mélusine Guiblin-Miché and their whole team as much as we could on the spot and also afterwards. And of course we continue to do so. It is a great relief to know that the operation went well. We all have only one wish, that Twenty can enjoy a nice retirement in the meadow after such a great career during which she gave so much to our Swiss team. Once again, we send all our support and thoughts to the entire Twentytwo team.

Source: Bryan Balsiger