Of the 59 starts in the 1.45m Prix Le Figaro, it was young rider Edward Lévy of France with his faithful Starlette de la Roque who ensured it was the Marseillaise which played at the awards ceremony. 
Said Lévy, “At the beginning my plan was to play a bit in this test. Starlette is a mare who can be competitive right away. She likes to express herself, it’s that forward movement which is best for her. I knew I could ask her to go fast today and that she’ll still be calm in the class tomorrow. Now that I know her very well, it’s been six or seven seasons, I know I can trust her and how to do it best with her. I was able to secure the time with Starlette, it was a time in which she had strength and confidence, and today she was able to put together a great, successful round.” 

With a time of 28.24 seconds, Sweden’s Malin Baryard-Johnsson wore the tricolor, as she held onto the lead for most of the class until she was usurped by Lévy. The Belgian Wilm Vermeir completed the podium after crossing the timers in 28.73 seconds. 

Source: press release