Yasmin Ingham scored big time with Banzai du Loir (v. Nouma d'Auzay) and was rewarded 76,59% from the jury and took first place individual. For her teammate Kitty King, there was third place after 72,78% came onto the screen for her test on Vendredi Biats (v. Winningmood). Second place was taken by the German Jerome Robine and Black Ice (v. Vechta).

In the team competition, Great Britain is leading with the performances of Kitty King and Yasmin Ingham. Germany follows in second place after the Dressage phase by Malin Hansen-Hotopp and Christoph Wahler. The Netherlands is currently in third place after the participation of Andrew Heffernan and Janneke Boonzaaijer. 

Full results individual`

Full team results