In an official statement the FEI confirms the elimination process, of Tina Konyot, that was followed previous week at the CDI West Palm Beach. At the end of Tina's Grand Prix the judges discovered some blood stains on the Calecto V's (v. Come Back II) body. Now the FEI confirms the elimination-process in it's official statement:" Upon review of the process and after consultation with the FEI, it has been confirmed that the current rules regarding the elimination process were followed to the letter.
Before she left the official equipment check area ringside, the rider was informed by the FEI Chief Steward that the Judge at C had made the decision based on Article 428.8 and Article 430.7.6 that the horse must be eliminated due to the evidence of fresh blood."
Bron: Equnews/Dressage News
Foto: Equnews