It will be a quit week in Europe. The topevent is the CSI3* in the Austrian city Treffen. Topriders are heading to the Glock Horse Performance Center though. World's leading lady Edwina-Tops Alexander will 'battle' in the arena against Olympic silver medal-winner Gerco Schröder, ex-WorldChampion Jos Lansink and jumping Legend Robert Whitaker. In total about 153 riders will start 315 horses, representing 28 nations.
In the German Offenburg the remaining part of the international audience can compete for the best price. At the CSI2*-CS1*-CSIYH François Mathy Jr. and Laura Mathy will represent the Belgian colors. If You are not that jumping minded, you can enjoy a nice CEI2* comeptition. However You will have to travel to Doha (Qatar) to support Belgian rider Raphael Van Cauter.
When the international battles are not that much an interest to you, just have a look on our calender page to discover the wide-range national competitions: KLIK HIER
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