At the international show in Vlamertinge the American Lindsay Douglass surprised the crowd in an exciting Prix Fontinel, set at a height 1.40m. Aboard her Berlin-daughter Butterfly Tibri Z she was faster than all the guys competing in this thrilling jump off. With a time of 36 seconds, and keeping the wood untouched former Belgian Champion, Koen Vereecke and Chakito kept the lead for a long time. Eventually they had to be satisfied with a second place. With a time of just over 33 seconds Equnews-rider Damien Haelterman and Elaba de Laubry set the fastest time. Unfortunatly they jumped one rail down coming out of a short turn to the vertical. The pair ended fifth. The third place was for the Dutch rider Wesley Mulder and Umeunig Z. The slowest clear round was for Guillaume Ruant and Finesse van Sappenleen, ending fourth.